Dana Amir
Dana grew up in Kibbutz in Israel which was a bit like a village full of artists and she was exposed to many opportunities for creative expression. Dana has been painting, sewing, sculpting and recycling anything she can get her hands on from a very young age.
A couple of years ago, Dana discovered face and body painting and it has been a big influence on her creative expressions because she feels that painting off a living canvas is amazing. In 2012, Dana won second place in the Australian Body Art competition in Melbourne and she continues to paint on pregnant bellies today. Dana just loves the energy of pregnancy and creation. From there, Dana came across mandalas, another form of creativity, and she became so inspired that she began to run her own workshops.
In 2015, Dana left her full-time job as a Hebrew teacher in the kindergarten of Bialik College and became a full-time artist, working from home, running workshops and loving life.
Today, Dana is a mother of two beautiful boys and her little family lives in the Dandenong Ranges on the outskirts of Melbourne. Between being a full-time mum and still following her passions, Dana has found yet another way to express her creativity through illustrating children’s books, which is exactly where her heart is right now.
Dana illustrated an amazing story written by her dear friend, Elle Klein, “Teal the Magic Fairy “. She recently finished working on another story by Deborah Maree, called “The Goonzies”. Dana is looking forward to many more creations being fulfilled throughout her journey as an illustrator.
Art has always been a peaceful place for Dana and the best way for her to express herself. Dana intends to continue learning, staying open and inspired… and sharing her gifts and teachings with the world.
“I am so grateful for the journey of life. This life is so amazing when you let your heart lead you. We always meet the right people at the right time that show us the way. I always thank the universe for taking care of me.” - Dana