Linda 'Willow' Roberts
International Speaker, certified medium, spiritual teacher, psychic, clairvoyant, certified angel intuitive, reiki master, theta healer, psychometry expert and writer, Linda ‘Willow’ Roberts combines her 30 years of experience and expertise to assist clients with spiritual and life navigation.
Her passion is mentoring and speaking, sharing messages from Spirit and Source to help identify areas in people’s lives to work on, bring forth their talents and Manifesting the life they want.
On stage, Willow is insightful, entertaining and illuminating, providing audiences with many ‘ah ha’ moments whether they have asked a question of her or not. Willow combines Spiritual messages with Theta Healing to enable her to remove any blocks or patterns that are hindering people in manifesting the life they want. She uses her Manifesting skills in her teachings to alter people’s lives and help them develop spiritually.
Willow was an Expert on online TV channel SoulTV.com.au each week, where she helped guests via readings and sharing her knowledge on all topics spirit and soul in 30 minute shows. She has also hosted her own blues and spirituality show on 4RFM Community Radio which was broadcast to mining communities.
She hosts on Enlightened conversations, speaks at the Mind Body Spirit Festivals in Australia, and has had shows in New Zealand.
When asked her goal, she replied. “Spread love, to be in service and help whomever I can”.
Linda published the stunning I am a Manifestor Magical Oracle Cards. These are available now in our online store. Head over there to purchase your deck now by clicking the image below.