Why honesty is empowering
I've realised something the last few days, and that is just how very empowering honesty is.
Being honest with others, and most importantly, being honest with yourself.

After posting my blog about my trip, and why Mum's shouldn't feel guilty about looking after themselves every once in a while, I received this message:
Honestly, you are amazing! I missed your first blog about your holiday and have only recently read it.
I cried whilst reading as I realised I'm one of this judgmental mums, I have always thought negatively about mums leaving their children to relax and have holidays. I have no problem with men doing it but always had issues with mums doing it.
I labelled them as selfish, uncaring and the list goes on.
UNTIL I read your blog.
I am embarrassed to say that these are my own issues and I am purely just jealous and envious and wish that I could do what you are doing.
You are doing such a selfless thing, by giving yourself the gift to recharge and heal you will be a better mum to your children than I am to mine purely because I am exhausted, cranky and unhappy most of the day.
So thank you for being so honest and sharing your story.
I will live this adventure through you until the day comes that I have worked through my own issues and take off on my own xox
This message was so inspiring to me, and I loved just how raw and honest it was. This Mum has not only been honest with me about my post, but she was also brutally honest with herself. This is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself, it truly is.
So thank you to this amazing Mumma for sharing your thoughts and feelings with me. You probably don't even realise just how strong and powerful you are as a woman (not just a Mum), but I believe the message you sent me may just be the beginning of a beautiful journey within, and I am so honoured to have been able to ignite a spark in you without even intending to.
"Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen."
- Brene Brown