Connecting with Spirit: It's all about trust

Everyone has the ability to connect with Spirit- everyone. We all come from the same place, so why wouldn't we all be able to?
Unfortunately there are some psychics or readers out there who would have you believe that only certain individuals are born with this gift, but it is simply not true. People that preach that they are born with it and that no one else can learn to connect with Spirit, or are not the 'real deal' are sadly mistaken. Yes, you are born with it; everyone is, and it's not a matter of learning to connect with Spirit, but rather, remembering how.
It's actually quite surprising that it would even be suggested by anyone that only a select few people are able to have this connection- especially by someone who is providing these types of services to others. In saying that this is a gift that can't be accessed by all, it would imply that some people are more worthy of others, or that spiritual connection is a rare gift that only certain individuals are granted access to. Hardly sounds fair, does it? Anyone who has been able to remember how to have this connection should be encouraging as many people as they can to do the same, not glorifying it as some gift that only they are special enough to have. So please, if you are ever told anything along these lines (especially by a psychic or similar), please just ignore them, because they are likely not very informed on the matter.
Having said my piece on that, now let's get back to the fact that each and every person not only has the ability to connect with Spirit, but are connected and always have been. So, let's elaborate on the term Spirit. Connecting with Spirit encompasses so many more things than you may even realise. I'm talking about any and every entity that is what we refer to as Spirit, including our loved ones who have passed, loved ones and members of our Soul Group from this lifetime and past lives (including those from incarnations on other planets), Angels and Archangels, Ascended Masters, Spirit and Animal Guides, God and more. Spirit is not just limited to our loved ones who have finished this lifetime on earth, but so, so much more.
So, you might be wondering now, "just how do I do this?" The simple answer is, it's all about trust. You would have already been receiving messages from Spirit, but perhaps aren't recognising them, or thinking that these things are just part of your imagination. We each have different ways of receiving messages from Spirit; similar to the way that each person learns in a different way. For example, some people learn best through hands on experience; others find it more useful to read a book. It doesn't mean that these people learn any more or less; just that they have a different way of soaking up the knowledge. The same goes for Spirit connection, with the only difference being that you're not learning to connect, you're remembering how to make sense of your connection (because remember: you're already connected). You just need to figure out the best way to do this that feels most comfortable with you.
Some common ways that you might be receiving messages from Spirit (and perhaps don't even realise you're getting them):
Synchronicities (such as seeing number sequences or things just happening at the right time)
Physical signs such as coming across feathers, coins, or familiar scents
Hearing a song on the radio or TV that reminds you of a loved one or gets you thinking about something
Seeing 'movies' or images in your mind
Hearing thoughts, words or names in your mind
Sensing that Spirit is around you (a sudden change in temperature or getting the shivers)
Seeing orbs or flashes of light out of the corner of your eye
Ringing in your ears
Electrical equipment or lights 'playing up'
A sudden urge to write or create something that's seemingly out of nowhere
These are just some signs that Spirit is connecting with you. How many of these have you disregarded as 'coincidence' or your 'imagination'? If you knew that all or most of these occurrences were Spirit communicating with you, would you think or feel differently about it?
Let us remember also that it's not just messages you receive from Spirit. They hear you too- your requests for assistance or guidance, your prayers, gratitude, and love. You may also be receiving healing, strength or courage at a time when you need it most. The list is endless really, but what's important to remember is that whatever it is you need, Spirit are there to support you. You might not receive what you need at the time you expect, or it may come in a different way, but rest assured, things will always occur at the right time, and with your highest good in mind.
So, always remember this: you are, always have been, and always will be connected to Spirit. Whether or not you choose to pay attention to and acknowledge this connection is completely up to you, but it will always be there regardless. If you choose to be consciously aware of this connection, the most important thing you can do is to trust. Trust that the signs and messages you're receiving are real, and have faith in the fact that you are very much supported on your journey. Once you're able to truly trust in this connection, everything else comes naturally.

Christie is a Lightworker, publisher, and writer, and is the founder and director of White Light Universal.
Christie prides herself on being authentic and seeing the light and love in everyone she meets, and this shines through in both the healing and guidance she provides for her clients, as well as helping writers' and artists' publishing dreams come true.
Her passions are writing, mental health, children's rights, and playing a part in healing humanity.
Check out her website
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