The Innocence of Life
What is innocence?
That’s a question that’s not usually asked, but yet it came across my mind today.
Why do we narrow it down to the way we describe a child? I feel like that’s the most common speculation. I feel like it’s just more than that… it’s not just a crazy little bugger, who just runs around and screams their head off that they just found a caterpillar.
As a medium, I’ve learned to see, hear, and feel things from a different perspective, and maybe that’s why I ask, "what is innocence?" By the end of this article, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to answer the question completely, but let's just start off by what I already know.

When I see innocence, it’s like an energy that’s been here since the sun, moon, and stars, but yet hits you visually. It’s not like anything you have seen before. I truly see innocence in the heart of men, women, and children, and even more than just that. I see it in the stars, the animals, landscapes, and ideas of this world. It’s everywhere: all you have to do is look deep into your heart!
I especially hear innocence throughout my day; whether it is the birds chirping, laughter, or my dear cats purring. What I find truly innocent though, are the words “I love you". Those three words together we never hear enough!
Lastly, the feeling… the feeling of innocence is powerful. In fact, it’s a powerful feeling of benevolence! The feeling of it brings tears to our eyes… not tears of sadness, but joy. When you feel the true power of this, you will be forever changed.
What is innocence? Have you figured it out yet? If not, get yourself out there and be vulnerable. Not vulnerable like a twig; be vulnerable in surrendering yourself and allowing your energy to connect to the universal energy. When you do this, you will truly understand what innocence means.