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The Edge of Spirituality
Everybody is spiritual, this what one of my teachers said once when I asked her, “Is that person spiritual?” The level of our...

The thin line between Religion and Spirituality
When we talk about GOD or spirituality, religion is always a subject that we need to touch on. It is a subject that I don’t like to...

Trusting your Intuition
Our intuition is our guidance system. It comes in the form of thoughts, feelings and a deep sense of knowing. Our intuition can be...

From Focus to Forever
I closed my eyes and focused into the unseen distance, the outside light barely penetrating my eyelids making them appear almost...

What If
My mind wanders aimlessly back through the distant haze of long buried memories, catching brief glimpses of what seems a lifetime ago and...

Authentic Manifestation
There is a lot written and spoken about in regards to manifestation and our thoughts creating our reality. The general concept is when we...

Amelia - My Regression Story
Many years ago, I had a past life regression (actually, the only one I’ve ever had). I was a young girl - about 7 or 8 years old and as...

Going Within
Over this last month I have undertaken a period of going within, evaluating what was working and what wasn’t. I went within and looked at...

Authentic Being
Authentic Being is having the courage to be true to yourself, following your heart and your dreams. It takes confidence and trust to...

Life & Death - The Processors of Transition
Our physical body is our vehicle to life and living on this planet. Yes, you may have heard these words a million times, but it is a...

Winds of Change
Right now, there are many of us are wanting change in our lives. Some of us don’t know exactly what the change is that we are wanting to...

Trust that you are where you are meant to be right now. Trust that all is well. Even if it feels like you are not where you want to be or...

Embracing Self Love
Self-love is loving yourself unconditionally. It is about having a high regard for yourself and your personal well-being. Loving yourself...

The Power of Peace
Peace. It’s more than just the “Peace on Earth” greeting cards that fill certain holiday seasons with gauzy images of doves and...

Procrastination! Transforming into Positive Action
As I sit here with Spirit this afternoon, I am drawn to share some insights with you around one of the most common self-sabotage patterns...
Resources Vault
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