Children's innate ability to comprehend (we don't give them nearly enough credit!)

My eldest child continues to amaze me with the profound concepts and knowledge he seems to have about life, despite only being six years old. He has many challenges and daily struggles comprehending social cues, needs strict routine and self-stimulates to keep himself emotionally regulated. But, there are so many moments in a day that all of that falls away and he speaks directly from his heart - with concepts and ideas that challenge me, he explains emotion in simple and blunt ways. He has no filter, he can't sugar coat his wisdom, and I love that - even though it's sometimes frustrating, I love it. I try my best to nurture his gifts and to curb them to be a little more socially acceptable, but all in all he is so deep and intuitive that he teaches me new things daily... he raises the frequency in the room with his words.
Recently, he lost his dear Poppy, the only consistent grandparent he has in his life. He and his Poppy shared a very unique bond, and when he passed away my beautiful son shared his words of wisdom that went on to comfort many who were grieving. Since then, he has been almost obsessed with death. Of course, my concepts are probably a bit unorthodox being that I communicate with Spirit, but I refuse to lie to my child about such things as he has an impeccable memory, and well, he's spiritually aware, so he'll know if I'm not speaking my truth.
After becoming cross with him (unintentionally) about continuing to watch the death scene in The Lion King 101 times a day (and I'm not even kidding) I tried to explain that sometimes thinking about something sad so often can make you feel sadder. I have given him a good couple of months to process in his own way, but I felt this was getting a little out of hand. His questions about death are hard to answer because they are so intense. I drew him a picture of Poppy, and of all of us (his family). Each person had a coloured bubble inside of them filled with love hearts and photos (memories). I showed him that was our 'spirit,' that is 'our love and our memories.'

Poppy's picture showed his 'love' and his 'spirit' escaping in a cloud from his body - and I said "Poppy's body has passed away, but his love and his spirit is still here. He can be with us all of the time now. You can't see it, but you know it's there." That has become my new motto for him. "Oh yes, that smell - you can't see it, but you know it's there." I have used it a few times so he can understand the concept.
Well, the questions were still coming hard and fast; everything and anything could be related to Poppy in some way, and at this stage I'm thinking, "Okay, he's stuck on a cycle he can't get out of, he's a CD that's skipping over the same beat. I need to get him off track." I tried to get him to admit that he needs to begin thinking about happy things, and try to leave understanding death for when he's feeling less sad. We talked about angels and other profound stuff - all the while as a parent I was freaking out on the inside wondering, "Far out, is this too much? Can he handle so much? Am I making him more confused?" Skip a few days, and he is consciously saying more positive things, he has been asking questions, but they are related to spirit and love - a whole lot more pleasant than death and dying!
Last night, it was 'Movie Night'. He chose to watch The Lion King 2, because it wasn't "a sad one." Now, hold on - he has made a conscious effort to change his thought process. He is trying his best to see things in a positive and happy light. THAT is friggin' awesome. Well done, son!
So, we've got our snacks at hand and pillows and blankies, we're sitting on the couch together and the intro begins. Well, cheese and whiskers, I almost burst into tears! (And I rarely cry these days!) The intro (see link below, and I urge you to watch it) is a visualisation of Spirit; of how Spirit feels to me! And what do you think my boy said to me? "Look mummy, it's Mufasa's Spirit, isn't it? Is that Mufasa's love? You can't see it but you know it's there?" <insert crying face here!> In my six years of parenting, I would put this in the top 3 most touching moments that made my soul sing and cry at the same time...and that's a hard call to make!
So, what's my point? (Yes, I know - I waffle on - you'll get used to it!) We often try to protect our children too much. Naturally, we want to protect them from pain, shield them from harsh realities and let's face it - make everything rainbows and unicorns even when in life, it's not always the case.

If you have little ones (or big ones) or any children in your life, I encourage you to strike up an interaction. Let them talk. Let them think and feel and express how they see things. Let them show you their process. Challenge unhealthy thoughts and behaviours, of course. But, watch as they spin you the f@#$ out because they are so deeply in touch with Spirit and nature, and all things magical that they will in turn, bring you perspective, healing, and astonishment and pride - that is the most wonderful feeling. Plus, their smiles and laughter are contagious!
Young children are still tapped into their divinity from birth - nurture it, encourage them to hold on to that sparkle. And sit back while they school you with their magic! You can't help but wish you had the perfect, untainted and innocent mind of a child... back when things were simple and new. Maybe you'll learn that it's important to get in touch with that inner child of your own, too. Let her/him speak. Love them. Heal their concerns and issues. Play a little, be jovial and silly and let go of adulting for a few minutes... Ahhh, what the heck - give yourself a whole day! You'll feel so much better for it.
I share this with love, and hope it reaches the heartstrings of all who it's meant to.
Watch video here
Angel Wing