This is for you

As I’ve been getting into the depths of writing my book, I’ve felt many of my ancestors with me throughout the process. Most of them I have never physically met in this lifetime, however they are keeping me grounded while writing this book, and I am so blessed to have them sending me strength and insight right now. While I’ve been dredging up some of the most painful memories I have through writing this book, I am also in a place now where I’m able to see well beyond the heartache and hurt that they’ve for so long represented. It’s an incredible thing to be able to say that as I write about my life story, I can clearly feel so many of the very powerful men and women in my family with me while I type every word. It is with their support that I am starting to see very clearly why I was so compelled to write this book, and just how much of what I’m discovering is going to change not only my life, but hopefully, the lives of my family members and beyond. What began as a quest to unearth the origins of some negative recurring patterns with the women in my family, has now turned into a full blown reconstruction of who we really are - who I am, and why these patterns continue to occur. To say my mind is blown is an understatement, and I’m not even finished with my book yet. I don’t know why, out of all the extraordinary women in my family, I am the one to write this story, but I do know this. This book is not only for me. It is for all the amazing women who have come before me - my ancestors, going back more than six generations. It is for my daughter, my Nan, my Mum, my aunty, my cousins. It is also for any woman who has ever thought she was broken. As I continue to deconstruct and break through these patterns, may we all feel as empowered as I do right now. We are breaking, but not broken. My book, ‘Breaking but not Broken’ will be released later this year.
Christie Welsh
Founder & Director